A-Z Midground Plants
All Aquarium Midground Plants
Anubias Nana XL Size
Small Anubia with light green to golden leaves. Ideal for foreground or as a specimen...
Alternanthera Reineckii “Lilacina”
This plant is easy to care for given the right conditions of strong light and iron rich substrate. W..
Bolbitis Heteroclita "Difformis"
Bolbitis heteroclita "difformis" is a small, fine tripinate -leaved form of B. heteroclita, originat..
Rotala Sp "Big Bear"
A new beautiful plant in the hobby. Will do really well under bright light, CO2 injection and adequa..
Polygonium Sp. "Broad Leaf"
Requires very bright, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in the aq..
Ludwigia Senegalensis
It has a uniquely patterned leaves and brick red in color. This plant requires high micro and macro ..
Limnophila Aromatica "Green"
Very Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrient dosing is required to grow this plant...
Floscopa Cf. Scandens
This beautiful plant will do well in various tank conditions. High light and CO2 dosing promotes fas..
Cryptocoryne Spiralis "Green"
This plant requires nutrient rich substrate. Regular pruning will keep it looking its best...
Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosanervig'
This plant has pink leaves with white colored veins. Grows compact under very high light. CO2 and nu..
Echinodorus " Big Bear"
A rare type of Echinodorus sp with green leaves and red marking on leaves...
Pogostemon Eructus
Requires very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in ..