A-Z Midground Plants
All Aquarium Midground Plants
Alternanthera Reineckii 'Mini'
Dwarf form of Alternanthera reineckii that grows low. Suitable for dutch and nano tanks...
Rotala Sp. “Spikey”
New plant in the hobby. Similar to Rotal rotundifolia green but with smaller, narrow and pointed lea..
Polygonum Sp. "Sao Paulo" Red
Requires very bright light. CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing will bring the red coloration..
Limnophila Sp. "Slender"
Very Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrient dosing is required to grow this plant...
Hemigraphis Sp. Pink
This plant can be used in terrarium or paludarium. It does not survive submerged for more than a few..
Cyeprus Helferi
Requires CO2, adequate fertilization and nutrient rich substrate. Does well in slightly cooler tempe..
Alternanthera Sp. 'Burgundy Leaves'
Slow growing plant. Will do well with CO2 and nutrient dosing..
Echinodorus "Fancy Curl"
An attractive curly leaved plant, a mutation from Echinodorus cordifolius...
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Pink' - Cup
This new series is Sreepadma Tissue Culture plants hardened and grown emersed to full size under con..
Hydrocotyle Tripartita
Hydrocotyle tripartita 'Mini' is a new variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from Australia; a much smal..
Rotala Sp. Ceylon
A fast growing and sturdy plant which turns pinkish under high light, CO2 and nutrient dosing...
Polygonium Sp. Pink
Requires very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in ..
Lysimachia Nummularia Aura -Yellow
Undemanding plant which can tolerate soft or hard water...