All type of Aquarium Plants
Marsilea Hirsuta
This plant can be grown under various conditions but bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrie..
Cryptocoryne Parva
Smallest cryptocoryne sp which can be used as a foreground plant. Unlike other cryptocoryne sp this ..
Rotala Rotundifolia “Green”
With bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing, the leaves may change from olive gree..
Ludwigia Brevipes
A hardy mid-ground plant which has to be pruned regularly to keep compact. Low nitrates with high ph..
Hygrophilla Sp. Quadrivalvis " Broad Leaf"
This is a fast growing plant and should be pruned regularly...
Bolbitis Heteroclita
This slow growing plant can be used as a specimen plant and can be attached on wood or rock...
Lagenandra 'Tenkasi'
Lagenandra ‘Tenkasi’:- is endemic to South India. ‘APS’ plants expedition team located this plant in..
Lagenandra Toxicaria - Green
Undemanding plant but will do very well in nutrient rich substrate, bright light, CO2 and adequate n..
Echinodorus Rose
A large plant suitable for background in the aquarium. Bright light and nutrient rich substrate is r..
Eichornia Crassipies
Water Hyacinths is a floating aquatic plant with swollen emerald-green foliage and beautiful lavende..