bright light required background plants
Echinodorus Cordifolius Marble Queen - Green
Undemanding and easy plant to keep. Regular pruning is required...
Staurogyne Sp. 'Bihar'
Easy to grow back ground plant with variable leaf shape and reddish brown color...
Hygrophilla Angustifolia
This plant grows fast under bright light and adequate nutrient dosing...
Shinnersia Rivularis
Easy plant to keep with white veins on the leaves. High light required for the plant to grow compact..
Rotala Macrandra "Mini" Butterfly"
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..
Limnophila Sp. "Shaggy"
Very Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrient dosing is required to grow this plant...
Hygrophila Sp. "Snake"
This easy to grow plant has narrow curvy leaves wavering in water current like a snake...
Rotala Wallichii "Mexicana" (Red)
Very Bright Light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..
Rotala Indica- Hi Red
Easy to grow aquarium plant which grows in various conditions. Bright light will bring out the red c..
Limnophila Sp. "Slender"
Very Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrient dosing is required to grow this plant...
Cyeprus Helferi
Requires CO2, adequate fertilization and nutrient rich substrate. Does well in slightly cooler tempe..