bright light required background plants
Hygrophilla Sp. Quadrivalvis " Broad Leaf"
This is a fast growing plant and should be pruned regularly...
Bacopa Australius
This plant can be planted in bunches. Periodical pruning will make the bush thick...
Myriophyllum Tuberculatum
Good choice for Dutch aquariums. Requires high light, CO2 and nutrients to bring out the color. Clea..
Eichhornia Azurea
Bright light is required to keep it in perfect health. Plant in small groups leaving space between p..
Rotala Sp Mini "Gold"
A new beautiful plant in the hobby. Will do really well under bright light, CO2 injection and adequa..
Hygrophilla Sp. Quadrivalvis "Apple Red"
This is a fast growing plant and should be pruned regularly...
Aponogeton Undulates
The long thin shaped leaves of this plant makes it ideal for midground or background of the aquarium..
Myriophyllum Scabratum - Green
Clean and clear water is required as debris may clog the fine leaves...
Rotala Rotundifolia "Twilight"
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..
Najas Roraima
Under high light and nutrient dosing, the tip of the plant turns red. The leaves have dotted pattern..
Hygrophila Polysperma “Rosanervig”
This plant with bright pink leaves grows fast in bright light. Can be grown in various aquarium cond..
Alternanthera Sp. 'Burgundy Leaves'
Slow growing plant. Will do well with CO2 and nutrient dosing..
Limnophila Sp. Rugosa
Very Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrient dosing is required to grow this plant...