A-Z Foreground Plants
Aquarium Foreground Plants
Fissidence Crispulus
Very Bright light, CO2 injection and adequate dosing is required for this plant to do well in the aq..
Pogostemon Helferi
A unique foreground plant with curly leaves. Requires bright light and nutrients dosing. The picture..
Vesicularia Dubyana -Java Moss
This is versatile and adaptable aquarium moss and can be grown under various aquarium conditions...
Elatine Triandra
Very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients are required for this plant to grow as a carpet...
Vesicularia Sp 'Mini Christmas Moss'
Plug and Play product. Can be placed anywhere in your aquascape. A miniature version of Christmas mo..
Utricularia Graminifolia
Requires very bright light. CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing helps this plant to do well i..
Echinodorus Tennelus "Micro"
Requires nutrients and healthy substrate to create a lawn like appearance...
Bolbitis Heteroclita "Difformis"
Bolbitis heteroclita "difformis" is a small, fine tripinate -leaved form of B. heteroclita, originat..
Staurogyne Sp. Brown
A beautiful foreground plants which turns brownish under high light, CO2 and nutrient dosing...
Echinodorus Tennelus
Requires nutrients and healthy substrate to create a lawn like appearance...
Microcarpaea Minima
This plant is not very hard to keep, but will do best with CO2 injection. Multiply by lateral shoots..
Sagittaria Subulata
Very hardy plant that will do well in most aquariums. Requires bright light to grow as a carpet...
Anubias Barteri Var. Glabra
An undemanding midground plant with an unique shaped leaf which requires low light and low maintenan..
Monosolenium Tenerum
Can be grown under various aquarium conditions but will look more attractive with bright light and C..