bright light required background plants
Rotala Nanjenshan
Bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red tip in thi..
Ludwigia Inclinata
Very bright light, CO2 injection, and adequate dosing is required for this plant to do well in the a..
Echinodorus Cordifolius Marble Queen - Yellow
Undemanding and easy plant to keep. Regular pruning is required...
Hygrophilla Corymbosa
This is a fast growing plant and should be pruned regularly. The top should be cut for it to branch...
Rotala Rotundifolia " Assam"
A small rotala sp from Assam with green colored broad oval leaves...
Vallisneria Sp "Mini Twister"
This undemanding plant with twisted leaves can be grown under various conditions. Can be used in mid..
Rotala Macrandra - Pink
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the pink colo..
Ludwigia Perennis/ Glandulosa
Under right conditions this plant will grow quickly producing intensely olive green, pink leaves...
Echinodorus Cordifolius Marble Queen - Green
Undemanding and easy plant to keep. Regular pruning is required...
Staurogyne Sp. 'Bihar'
Easy to grow back ground plant with variable leaf shape and reddish brown color...
Hygrophilla Angustifolia
This plant grows fast under bright light and adequate nutrient dosing...
Syngonanthus Belem
Requires very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in ..
Rotala Macrandra "Narrow Leaf"
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..