medium light required background plants
Bolbitis Heteroclita
This slow growing plant can be used as a specimen plant and can be attached on wood or rock...
Bacopa Caroliniana
Given good substrate, adequate lighting and regular fertilization this plant will grow well in the a..
Echinodorus Rose
A large plant suitable for background in the aquarium. Bright light and nutrient rich substrate is r..
Bacopa Australius
This plant can be planted in bunches. Periodical pruning will make the bush thick...
Ceratopteris Thalictroides
This plant requires bright light and space to grow. Can be used as floating plant and background pla..
Aponogeton Undulates
The long thin shaped leaves of this plant makes it ideal for midground or background of the aquarium..
Ceratopteris Sp. China
This plant requires bright light and space to grow. Can be used as floating plant and background pla..
Vallisneria Sp "Mini Twister"
This undemanding plant with twisted leaves can be grown under various conditions. Can be used in mid..
Ceratophllum Demersum
This low maintenance plant can grow dense and provide good hiding place for fry and young fish...
Microsorum Pteropus ' Trident"
Widely known as “Trident Fern”- is an aquatic fern with green, small, narrow & lobed leaf struct..
Staurogyne Sp. 'Bihar'
Easy to grow back ground plant with variable leaf shape and reddish brown color...