Light Requirement
Planted Aquarium Light Requirement
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Echinodorus Grisebachii
A small very slow growing plant which can be used in foreground and midground...
Tonina Fluviatilis
Requires very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in ..
Rotala Macrandra - Pink
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the pink colo..
Microsorum Pteropus ' Trident"
Widely known as “Trident Fern”- is an aquatic fern with green, small, narrow & lobed leaf struct..
Ludwigia Arcuata "Dark Red"
Very bright light, CO2 injection, and adequate dosing is required for this plant to do well in the a..
Hygrophila Polysperma “Rosanervig”
This plant with bright pink leaves grows fast in bright light. Can be grown in various aquarium cond..
Echinodorus Cordifolius Marble Queen - Green
Undemanding and easy plant to keep. Regular pruning is required...
Blyxa Aubertii
This plant requires bright light. Iron dosing along with regular fertilization will make this plant ..