Ceratopteris Thalictroides
This plant requires bright light and space to grow. Can be used as floating plant and background pla..
Rotala Sp Mini "Gold"
A new beautiful plant in the hobby. Will do really well under bright light, CO2 injection and adequa..
Najas Roraima
Under high light and nutrient dosing, the tip of the plant turns red. The leaves have dotted pattern..
Hygrophila Polysperma “Green”
Common aquarium plant that can be grown under various aquarium conditions...
Syngonanthus Lago Grande
Requires very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in ..
Lagenandra Toxicaria - Green
Undemanding plant but will do very well in nutrient rich substrate, bright light, CO2 and adequate n..
Ceratopteris Sp. China
This plant requires bright light and space to grow. Can be used as floating plant and background pla..
Rotala Rotundifolia "Twilight"
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..
Najas Indica
Care must be taken as the stems of this delicate plant can break off easily. They can also be kept a..
Lagenandra Toxicaria - Gaint
Undemanding plant but will do very well in nutrient rich substrate, bright light, CO2 and adequate n..
Ceratophllum Demersum
This low maintenance plant can grow dense and provide good hiding place for fry and young fish...
Rotala Rotundifolia “Pink”
With bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing, is required to bring out the pinkish ..
Myriophyllum Mattogrossense
Easy plant to keep, good light will result in larger leaf whorls..