India's Largest Largest Aquatic Plants Farm
Alternanthera Reineckii “Lilacina”
This plant is easy to care for given the right conditions of strong light and iron rich substrate. W..
Eleocharis Parvula "Japanese"
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...
Fissidence Crispulus
Very Bright light, CO2 injection and adequate dosing is required for this plant to do well in the aq..
Rotala Sp. “Spikey”
New plant in the hobby. Similar to Rotal rotundifolia green but with smaller, narrow and pointed lea..
Polygonum Sp. "Sao Paulo" Red
Requires very bright light. CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing will bring the red coloration..
Limnophila Sp. "Slender"
Very Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrient dosing is required to grow this plant...
Hemigraphis Sp. Pink
This plant can be used in terrarium or paludarium. It does not survive submerged for more than a few..
Cyeprus Helferi
Requires CO2, adequate fertilization and nutrient rich substrate. Does well in slightly cooler tempe..
Alternanthera Sp. 'Burgundy Leaves'
Slow growing plant. Will do well with CO2 and nutrient dosing..
Hygrophila Sp. "Snake"
This easy to grow plant has narrow curvy leaves wavering in water current like a snake...
Amcella Repens
Easy to grow plant used in Dutch aquascapes. Under right conditions the stems and leaves develop red..
Nymphaea "Dauben" (Light Blue Flower.)
Fertilizer tabs are required for this plant to grow well and to flower. Day blooming lily..
Requires nutrients and healthy substrate to create a lawn like appearance...