India's Largest Largest Aquatic Plants Farm
Nymphaea "Dauben" (Light Blue Flower.)
Fertilizer tabs are required for this plant to grow well and to flower. Day blooming lily..
Requires nutrients and healthy substrate to create a lawn like appearance...
Cryptocoryne Wendtii 'Brown' - GroWoW! Series
MORE INFORMATION Plant Difficulty Easy Light Requirement Low ..
₹140.00 ₹150.00
Eleocharis Parvula
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...
Vesicularia Sp 'Mini Christmas Moss'
Plug and Play product. Can be placed anywhere in your aquascape. A miniature version of Christmas mo..
Rotala Sp. Ceylon
A fast growing and sturdy plant which turns pinkish under high light, CO2 and nutrient dosing...
Polygonium Sp. Pink
Requires very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing for this plant to do well in ..
Lysimachia Nummularia Aura -Yellow
Undemanding plant which can tolerate soft or hard water...
Limnophila Indica "Yellow"
Bright light is required for this plant to do well in the aquarium. Most beautiful when planted in g..
Hemianthus Umbrosum
This plant grows faster in bright light conditions and CO2 injection. Should be planted in small gro..
Cryptocoryne Spiralis "Red"
This plant requires nutrient rich substrate. Regular pruning will keep it looking its best...
Alternanthera Sessilis-- Purple
This plant can be used in terrarium or Paludarium. It does not survive submerged for more than a few..