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Comparison of Aquarium Tank with or Without Live Aquarium Plants

  • Comparison of Aquarium Tank with or Without Live Aquarium Plants

The live aquarium plants bring a lot of benefits to the aquarium tank. Besides being good decorative items; they are good for the fish’s healthy functioning. However, they are not compulsory for the aquarium tank and fish, and the tank can still look beautiful without the live plants. If you are a new aquarium hobbyist; then, this article is right there to facilitate you. This article will throw light on a comparison of aquarium tanks with or without live aquarium plants. Doing so will help you in knowing what works best for your tank as per your personal choice and the overall requirement. So, let’s begin.

Aquarium Tank with Live or Artificial Aquarium Plants:

One of the biggest advantages of using live aquarium plants is that they provide ample oxygen which aids in the fish’s survival. Live plants have a natural filter and they can easily soak up fish waste by maintaining water quality. Though, they are more expensive as compared to artificial plants; however, they can save you money in the long run. They can propagate in your aquarium thereby allowing multiple plants to grow. If you are a plant-lover; then, using live plants is good for your tank. It will improve the overall water environment for the fish and it will keep enjoying its journey without worrying about its longer fins. The live plants are excellent choices for beautifying the tank’s look by fostering a sense of naturalism.

The artificial plants are relatively inexpensive as compared to the live plants. Unlike their counterparts; they won’t require any fertilizer, light, carbon dioxide, and other essential things for their growth. So, they are quite easy to maintain and clean. Moreover, you do not need to worry about algae growth especially if you have bought new plastic plants. If you have a fish breed with longer fins; then, it might get affected by most of the plastic plants. In that case; it is good to consider silk plants for increasing the survival rate of your fish and maintaining her peace.

Things Required for Live Aquarium Plants:

If you are more willing to choose the live plants; then here are some additional things that you’ll require:

·         Substrate: Aquatic plants need things like aqua soil, gravel, and sand to grow their roots.

·         Lighting: Make sure that your tank has sufficient lighting for the plant’s growth and survival. Keep your tank lit for at least 12 hours.

·         Time: You’ll require at least 3-4 weeks before placing fish in your planted tank so that the plants can settle properly.

Alternatives to Live Aquarium Plants:

·         Choosing artificial plants (plastic or silk).

·         Creating an illusion of depth and choosing good color contrasts.

·         Selecting an attractive landscape with a few ornaments to help fish in her stress reduction.

Final Thoughts:

Honestly; it’s up to the hobbyist to choose as per his/her liking or requirement. However, it is good to choose live plants to promote a natural habitat for the fish. You can choose from a wide range of aquarium plants from our website.


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