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How to Care for Your Aquarium Plants?

  • How to Care for Your Aquarium Plants?

Aquarium plants bring ample benefits to the aquarium. For instance, they maintain the aquarium’s beauty, remove impurities, and help create a natural habitat for the fish. However, they have certain requirements which must be fulfilled so that the plants can live and thrive. Their main needs include full- spectrum light, clean and moderately soft water, essential nutrients, carbon dioxide, and suitable substrate. Just like the fish; freshwater aquarium plants also need a clean environment for their optimal growth and require proper care and maintenance. Some valuable tips in this regard are given below.

·         Maintain your aquarium’s water quality.

Maintaining water quality is the single most important factor that ensures plants and fish health. Though, it is still a challenge for many aquarists; however, the following tips can prove successful in this regard. These are:

·         Maintain the filter and keep the aquarium’s temperature between 74-80 degrees of Fahrenheit.

·         Keep water pH between 6.5-7.8. Most of the aquarium plants do their best in this range. If pH is too high; it becomes more alkaline. Whereas, a low level indicates more acidity in the water. Therefore, it is recommended to keep a balanced approach in this regard so that plants can adequately grow and provide ample benefits to the fish.

·         Change at least 10% of the water on a weekly basis. This helps to remove organic pollutants from the water thereby aiding in enhancing the water quality.


·         Use the best quality fertilizers.

Fertilizers have great benefits for the plants. For instance, they aid in their photosynthesis process, develop their cells, promote their growth hormones, help in maintaining their metabolism rate, and assist in nitrogen assimilation. Though, fish poop can fulfill the essential requirements of aquarium plants; they also need fertilizers for their optimal growth and development.

·         Invest in a favorable light source.

Choose the right light that can benefit aquarium plants. The type of light depends on many factors, for instance, the length of your aquarium, the species which you want to grow, their individual needs, etc. Some species require intense light whereas others might require moderate light. Aquarium plants do their best under a full spectrum light that ranges from 6500-8000 Kelvin. They need light for about 10-12 hours per day.

·         Determine the substrate as per your freshwater aquarium plant.

The material used at the bottom of the tank is referred to as the substrate. Substrate determines water quality as it affects water chemistry and filtration, and also impacts the tank’s beauty. The right substrate helps in the anchoring and development of rooted plants. Choose fine to medium grade gravel or coarse sand. The ultra-fine sand and coarse gravel restrict proper root anchoring and are generally not good for aquarium plants.

Bottom Line:

It is vital to care for aquarium plants so that they can grow and maintain the water quality inside your aquarium. However, they can turn black or simply die when they are short of essential nutrients. Therefore, uplift your aquarium plants and buy healthy plants whenever you shop.


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