Products meeting the search criteria
Hemianthus Callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Requires bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients to form a lush carpet...
Hygrophila Serphyllum
Hygrophila Serphyllum is a new plant in the aquascaping hobby, fast-growing carpet plant for high-te..
Glossostigma Elatinoides
With very bright light and adequate fertilization, this plant will form a dense carpet...
Rotala Rotundifolia "Twilight"
Very bright light, CO2 injection and adequate nutrient dosing is required to bring out the red color..
Eleocharis Parvula "Japanese"
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...
Microcarpaea Minima
This plant is not very hard to keep, but will do best with CO2 injection. Multiply by lateral shoots..
Eleocharis Parvula
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...