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Bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients are required to grow this purple color plant...
This is a fast growing plant and should be pruned regularly. The top should be cut for it to branch ..
This plant grows best under strong light. It can also be attached to driftwood or rocks. Picture is ..
Requires bright light to grow as a carpet. In low lights it will grow towards the surface...
Bolbitis heteroclita "difformis" is a small, fine tripinate -leaved form of B. heteroclita, originat..
Requires bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients to form a lush carpet...
Hygrophila Serphyllum is a new plant in the aquascaping hobby, fast-growing carpet plant for high-te..
With very bright light and adequate fertilization, this plant will form a dense carpet...
This plant is not very hard to keep, but will do best with CO2 injection. Multiply by lateral shoots..
Forms a lush grassy carpet under very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients...
Very hardy plant that will do well in most aquariums...
Very bright light, CO2 and adequate nutrients are required for this plant to grow as a carpet...