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How To Know if Your Aquarium Plants are Healthy?

  • How To Know if Your Aquarium Plants are Healthy?

When starting an aquarium; make sure that your plants are healthy. If they aren’t healthy; then, they will surely affect the fish and the overall aquatic environment. Healthy aquarium plants not only improve the water quality but also strengthen the whole ecosystem inside your aquarium. They help in minimizing carbon dioxide by adequate consumption. This in turn benefits the fish and increases the chances of her survival. Some dominant signs can tell whether your plants are healthy or not. So, when you buy plants for your aquarium; look at the following signs closely so that you can pick the best of them.  

·         Little or no yellowing of the leaves.

Most of the plants have green leaves. If the inside of your aquarium starts turning yellow; it is a sign of inappropriate conditions within the tank. Mostly, this happens when light is insufficient or too low. However, if only the leaf edges turn yellow; it is probably the sign of potassium deficiency in the plant.

·         Colorful and rich foliage.

Just like the usual plants; the healthy aquarium plants have a lush green color and would be visibly thriving. Also, if the plant is growing healthily and has evenly grown; then, it is a sign of good health and the plant’s wellbeing. Healthy plants look strong and hardy which is another indication of their flourishing health.   

·         Little to no leaf holes.

Plants that develop holes into their leaves indicate a nutrient deficiency and are likely to rot. However, if your plants are free of any holes; it indicates their good health. Little leaf holes are not so harmful and can be cured by fulfilling the required nutrients.

·         No brown or black leaves.

If your plants are lush green, look healthy, are vibrant, and have no brown or black leaves; then, you have got healthy plants. The black or brown leaves indicate an imbalance of nutrients in the water. It also indicates a poor water quality with an excess of nitrates, inadequate filtration, overfeeding, stocking levels, etc.

·         Other indicators:

Some other indicators of healthy plants include:

·         New leaves grow in an evenly manner. They are not likely to twist or have stunted growth.

·         There are no brown patches or distinctive pinholes on the leaves.

·         Old leaves remain in the same color rather than turning lighter.

·         Young plants remain fresh rather than turning white or yellow.

Always choose healthy aquarium plants to benefit the aquatic life living inside your aquarium. After all, live aquarium plants supply safety to the fish and beauty to the tank.

Final Thoughts:

Healthy aquarium plants promote a successful tank setup. They are imperative for the healthy functioning of the fish. However, due to deficient nutrients; they might become unhealthy and can disrupt the overall tank’s environment. If you are well-aware of the signs that depict healthy and unhealthy aquarium plants; you can shop in the best way. Whenever you buy live aquarium plants; make sure that you pay considerable attention to the above-mentioned signs for the plant’s optimal growth.  


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