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Live Aquarium Plants Cherished by the Fish

  • Live Aquarium Plants Cherished by the Fish

The live aquarium plants help in removing the excess build-ups of carbon dioxide and absorb nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia, which are otherwise harmful to the fish. Moreover, they help to create a beneficial environment inside the aquarium tank by increasing dissolved oxygen in the water. In this article, we will explore a few types of live aquarium plants cherished by the fish so that you can know which plants are beneficial in the long run.

·         Microsorum Pteropus " Philippine”.

The Java Fern Philippines is a low-maintenance aquarium plant for freshwater aquariums. Its bright green leaves add to the tank’s beauty and provide a protective sanctuary for the fish, shrimp, and fry. This plant has small leaves and can adequately grow in low light conditions. Its cultivation is undemanding. However, it usually requires a carbon dioxide injection for its better growth.

·         Alternanthera Reineckii “Lilacina”.

The striking reddish-purple stems, longer, and narrower leaves make it an attractive aquarium plant. It works as a perfect background or mid plant and adds a refreshing change to the aquascape. This plant requires strong light, a carbon dioxide injection, and a high-quality plant substrate for its optimal growth with vibrant colors. The health of this plant can be maintained by regular trimming. However, make sure that aquarium water does not undergo drastic changes. Otherwise, this plant will melt or rot.

·         Pogostemon Stellatus "Dassen" (Purple).

This aquarium plant is good to consider especially if you are an expert aquarist. It requires intense lighting and a stable carbon dioxide injection, and soft to medium-hard water. The growth rate of this plant is good provided it meets essential requirements including the nutrients. It is an eye-catcher plant that has colorful and fine foliage. Its decorative look appeals to the fish and is a good plant to consider.  

·         Eleocharis Parvula "Japanese".

A popular foreground plant, i.e., “Eleocharis Parvula”, is probably the shortest hair glass available in the market today. With its low-maintenance and infrequent trimmings; it is easy to keep in an aquarium especially if you are a beginner or a seasoned aquarist. It covers the tank’s bottom by giving it great beauty and attraction and works as a covering plant. 

·         Dwarf Anubias “Anubias nana”.

This plant is one of the most popular aquarium plants that work well for small fish where it can hide with ease. These are compact plants with a maximum height of 4 inches. It is easy to grow as long as its rhizomes are above the substrate. This aquarium plant needs a moderate level of light intensity for its optimal growth. This plant is perfect for new aquarists as it is naturally hardy and won’t require any special care.


Whichever plants you buy; make sure that you properly care for them. Have sufficient light for your plants so that they can grow properly. Nourish them well with all the essential nutrients and keep the pH of water between 6.5-7.8 so that all the tank inhabitants can feel secure and be comfortable. Good luck in your plant hunting. 


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